The fast-growing club of San Diego businesses filing lawsuits against the county for COVID-19 restrictions just added 25 more members.
25 gyms filed a lawsuit against San Diego for the right to reopen. Under the state’s stay-home order, and the purple tier restrictions that proceeded it, gyms are not allowed to operate indoors.
In March 2019, many gyms across San Diego, California, shut down for months.
Now, 9 months into the Covid-19 pandemic, many gym owners struggle to understand why they have to stay empty.
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Some of them argue that closing gyms while allowing retailers like tobacco and liquor stores to stay open is arbitrary and unfounded by the county’s own metrics.
Between June and December 2019, the San Diego county reported more than 118,000 positive COVID-19 cases. After they were reported, county workers interviewed more than 68,000 people who caught the virus and tracked possible community exposures.
Apparently, gyms are possibly linked to 277 cases, or 0.4%, of potential exposures. Retail was linked to more than 6,300 exposures, or 9.2%. Workplaces claimed the highest possible exposures, with more than 22,600 positive cases.
The business people in the fitness sector think that now they have what they claim to be clear evidence that supports that they are entitled to reopen the gyms.
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only created a health crisis across the world, but also an economic one.