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The other day, I met a cute dog who was walking along his master.

The guy was keeping all the preventive measures against Covid-19. He was wearing a mask which covered mouth and nose properly, in addition to a transparent face shield.

I approached them to take a picture of his pet.

The dog at first barked at me -I was a stranger after all-, but after his “alert” system “told him” that I had only good and artistic intentions, he tenderly let me caress him and take a few photos.

The guy rescued this Pug from a stray dog shelter at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, hence his name “CoronaPug”.

lick tongue dog hair owner dog friendly rehab

lick tongue dog hair owner dog friendly rehab

His master, a guy in his mid 20´s called Peter had someone to spend the quarantine with, and at the same time, adopted a puppy for the first time instead of buying one. Giving stray dogs a home is one of the most rewarding experiences dog lovers have.  It eases the pressure of overpopulation in these kind of shelters too.

Peter told me that his new dog eased his anxiety during the first months of the pandemic.  CoronaPug made him exercise while some of his peers just binge watched movies or played video games.

Will CoronaPug keep his name after the SarsCov2 virus is defeated?


After all, let´s not forget that “Corona” is latin for “Crown”.  The negative connotation came after scientists named the virus after the spikes around it, resembling crowns or halos

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