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addiction help

If your friend or relative is an addict or an alcoholic, and they ask you to help them overcome their addiction, help them by referring or mentioning mental health.


Unless, of course, they reciprocate and help you back when you are in need.

I used to have a friend who found relief talking to me over the phone since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

His wife is not an addict, and was very happy that he was relating to the only friend who was not a junkie.

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He was sort of in control of his addictions despite all the pills he took to be able to sleep.  So after being like a free shrink for him, I requested a couple of minor favors.

The result?  He kept forgetting what I´d been asking for.  When he lost his job and became an Uber driver, he failed to quote a short trip for me.

The wife called me frantically every time he got violent and broke stuff. They slowly involved me in a toxic triangle of codependence.

Moral of the story?

Addiction-help is meant for professionals.  You cannot be the couples therapist for your friends, much the less if one of them is hooked on coke or fentanyl.

There are certified psychiatrists and clinicians at rehab centers ready to assist them professionally, which is what they need.

Let them know you will still be their friend, as long as they remember the worth of reciprocity.  They can count on your in their road to recovery, albeit not playing the role of doctor or unconditional, free, online shrink. Finally, they have to talk to each other instead of gossiping with you about each other´s marital mistakes.

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