How a Meditation retreat changed my life
Much has been said about meditation lately, and you will surely be able to read shocking articles that tell of its innumerable benefits.
There are people who want to change their lifestyle, but do nothing to make that change really happen. Or if they do, it’s a subtle change that barely lasts for the little motivational moments that you may have in the beginning. Then, the effect of your day to day, your loads, your obligations, your routine, etc. They make you return under the yoke of slavery in which you are so comfortable. There are people who are really dead in life, because since childhood they have been programmed to have concepts that have determined their way of being, thinking and acting. Depending on what your past has been, this is your present, because said past programs your mind and conditions it to act in a certain way under certain circumstances. But hey, let’s get to the point.
Meditation is putting your mind in order.
Meditation is putting your mind in order. It is being aware of the unconscious acts that occur in it. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people live on autopilot. Meditation makes you wonder every step you take, every thought you have, every emotion you generate, every second you live, and you look for a reason for that situation. If you do not leave that mental program that you have installed right now in your mind, and you change it … you will never be able to change your lifestyle. Why? Because you will always continue to see things in the same way and from the same perspective. The perspective that you were taught since childhood and that makes you judge, decide and question what is right or what is wrong, the good from the bad, the beautiful from the ugly, the right from the wrong.
Meditating, you break that automatic program and begin to take control of everything that happens in your mind.
If you realize it, many times we live from day to day without hardly realizing what we have done and why. We ignore too many emotions and take for granted many things that lead us to certain situations, whether we want it or not. When you meditate, you make that inertia that always takes your mind to lead you to a point, stop.
And what happens then? That life also seems to stop. Why’s that? Because you stop your unconscious mind and pass control to your conscious mind. You say to your mind: “Hey, from now on I’m in charge, so each thing that happens will have to go through my own filters to determine if it is correct or not.” You take control of everything that happens to you and you begin to appreciate your life in a different way. And meditation becomes the best tool for all this.
Meditation serves to achieve many objectives that you set yourself, because what it does is make you wake up and that you can see your own interior.
Meditation serves to achieve many objectives that you set yourself, because what it does is make you wake up and that you can see your own interior. It helps you discover why things happen and how you can change them, in addition to defining who you are, why you have the life you have and what you must do to change it. It is a kind of doctor who analyzes what is happening to you from an external point of view, without feeling threatened or identified with what is happening to you. That doctor can be yourself, and meditation helps you to become him. Once you get it, you can reprogram your brain again so that it has as its foundations other concepts that can be much more beneficial and useful for your day to day.
Until a few years ago I was just one more sheep in the flock. A sheep that was limited like all to follow the path that had been imposed on me, without questioning the reason for that path. My life became what my parents had taught me since I was little and what they had programmed in my mind. My past determined my future and made me one more. I had a steady job, but I even hated it and limited myself to working there just to cover the obligations that I imposed on myself.
And so on until I reached my mature age, having lived a life that did not fulfill me and that was not the one I really wanted to have. We all have two types of life, the one we live and the one we really would like to live. And I was at a point where those two lives were so far apart and it seemed like they were never going to get together.
It was then that I read an article on a specific meditation that filled me with curiosity. Testimonies of people who had literally changed their lives, putting their minds, thoughts and emotions in order, to reprogram their brain and change their own reality of what they were living. I have always been a person who has liked to try everything I learn, even if it seems stupid. And that was why I decided to practice meditation and learn as much as possible about it.
If I am free in this world, why do I have to let my environment control and rule me?
I have been practicing meditation on a daily basis for many years now and there has not been a single day that I have not done it. It is like the sustenance of my mind. Just like you eat breakfast or lunch every day, just like you drink water because your body needs it, I need to meditate my 45 minutes every day in the morning and also before going to bed. And do you know what I got out of that? Take certain steps in my life that I would not have been able to take otherwise.