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eating disorders

I have many eating disorders.

Eating salty peanuts right after a lemon pie, for example.

Not washing the dishes.  Letting the leftovers get rot instead of dumping them right away.

Most eating disorders have to do with overeating and puking.  We all know that.

I have those too.

But what affects me the most are the absurd rituals around food.  Including processed food.  I keep washing every can and package, despite the fact that, apparently, the coronavirus is not so widespread in these surfaces.

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Sometimes I leave lemons, onions and pears in a bucket with soap for days.

The possibility of infection is erased, but the food gets so humid that I cannot eat it anymore.

When this madness is all over, I will go to the most expensive buffet, and eat like a pork.  Without a mask.  Making all kinds of sounds.  Like they used to do in the Middle Ages…

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