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alcoholism in the united states

How come it has sometimes become more accessible to buy alcohol than pork meat and toilet paper?

Across the U.S., governors are terming alcohol sales an essential business and loosening restrictions. They permit home delivery and carryout cocktails. This throws an economic lifeline to one group of small businesses.

Are alcohol sales essential? According to the federal government, just over half of Americans age 18 and above 55.3% drank alcohol in the past 30 days; just over a quarter binged – more than four drinks on occasion for women, or five for men – and 1 in 17 or 5.8% had an alcohol use disorder.

For that 6 percent who are indeed dependent on it, alcohol may be like a staple food.

colorful downtown san diego detox for alcohol

colorful downtown san diego detox for alcohol

Some the increase of alcohol sales in the U.S. is probably being stockpiled since most restaurants and bars have closed down.  People have less money to spend on alcohol. This drives their spending down. But at the same time, they are likely to drink more to alleviate their stress. Thus, they are buying more and cheaper booze.

This increase in drinking will have a big impact on people´s health.

In the short term, alcohol abuse suppresses multiple aspects of the body’s immune system response, with particular effects on the lungs’ ability to fight off infections like Covid-19.

In the long run, more people will be needing inpatient and outpatient rehab programs to overcome alcoholism in The United States.

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