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alcohol side effects

The main acute effects of alcohol are on the nervous system, causing increased risk socially inappropriate behavior, accidents and violence.

Alcohol also disrupts the ability of the brain to coordinate between sensory input and motor output which leads to and errors of judgement, slurred speech, less controlled movement and delayed reaction times . Tests on drivers have shown that the risk of being involved in a traffic accident more than doubles at 80 mg/100 ml of alcohol.

Some people experience a ‘flush’ reaction, redness of the face and chest, rapid heart rate, dizziness, nausea, nasal congestion and pulsating headaches.

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Long-term alcohol side effects include weakness of your immune system, which makes you more vulnerable to serious infections. It can also places you at greater risk of fracturing your bones.

There are many other alcohol side effects, such as premature ejaculation, sexual impotence, dementia, infertility, liver disease, high blood pressure, strokes and even cancer.

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