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Congratulations on taking the brave and essential step of getting sober and looking for a job!

A job interview can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve been out of the job market for a while. You’re not alone if you feel anxious about an upcoming job interview and just got sober. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a job interview when you’ve just called you’ve.

1. Get organized. Before your interview, ensure all your documents are in order, and your resume is up-to-date. This will help ensure that you are confident and prepared when discussing your qualifications and experiences during the interview process.

A woman looking confident while doing research for a job interview

This woman confidently takes the initiative to research for her upcoming job interview.

2. Research the company. It’s essential to It’s as much as possible about the company before your job interview. Read their website, review news articles related to them, and talk to people who have worked there in the past or currently do so, if possible. Doing research will demonstrate to your potential employer that you are serious about their organization and interested in working there.

3. Practice talking about sobriety with potential employers. During a job interview, you may feel nervous or uncomfortable discussing sobriety with potential employers. Still, it is essential to be honest and open with them about this part of your life journey so they can understand where you are coming from and how it might impact any role within their organization if they offer one. Practicing what questions they might ask beforehand can help ease any nerves or apprehension surrounding this topic during the job interview.

4 . Be mindful of how much detail you provide about sobriety. It is important to remember that not all employers will be comfortable discussing certain aspects of sobriety, such as substance use history or treatment plans, with prospective employees in a job interview setting. Make sure to gauge how much detail is appropriate for each situation and only provide enough information necessary for them to understand how it may affect any role within their organization if they offer one.

5 . Rehearse answers for common questions. Rehearsing answers for common questions asked during job interviews, such as “Tell us a bit abo “t yourself” or “What are your” weaknesses?” can help make sure that you feel confident discussing these topics during the actual interview process itself. This can also help ensure that any information related to sobriety is presented appropriately without appearing too personal or invasive.

Preparing for a Job Interview

Despite being prepared, it’s normal to feel nervous before a job interview

6 . Prepare questions ahead of time. Asking well-thought-out questions demonstrates interest in the position and shows potential employers that you have researched their organization beforehand. Keep these questions relevant, such as inquiring into any challenges the company has faced recently or what skillsets would benefit success in this role. This will show employers that you are thoughtful and prepared for this opportunity

7 . Know your worth. Being sober is an accomplishment that deserves recognition, but remembering when going into a job interview can often be challenging. Remind yourself before each meeting why exactly you should be hired based on experience, qualifications, and interests related to the position being sought after

8. Stay calm throughout the process. Interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences, but staying calm throughout this process can make all the difference in how employers perceive candidates. If you have a pet, have a snuggle or petting rehearsal to calm down. Remembering why getting sober was meaningful and vital can help ground yourself in these moments. A positive attitude, even if feeling nervous, will go a long way toward making solid first impressions.

These tips can help ensure a successful job interview experience even when just getting sober! With preparation, confidence, and practice, anyone who has taken steps toward recovery has every right to seek employment opportunities without fear of judgment or stigma! It’s time to enjoy finances, yet another meaningful part of recovery and sobriety.

By Jace A.

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