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self care

Never in the last few decades had self-care been so crucial.

Since hospitals, support groups and beauty parlors are partially closed, or a potential source of Covid-19 infection, we´d better stay away from them.

If our hair has grown too much, we have to learn how to cut it ourselves.

Nail polishing?  Look for a you tube tutorial.

Minor injury?  You should have a first aid kit at home.

girl sitting on the bed making a manicure me time self care

girl sitting on the bed making a manicure me time self care


I have even learned to massage my feet and neck.

I realized how dependent on so many people I was.  And after the virus is defeated, I hope to go back to “dependency”.

So many jobs depend us getting back to “normal”.

But in the meantime, we have to keep improving our self-care

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