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help with alcohol

I need help with alcohol.

I want to throw a party in 2022, once the Covid-19 pandemic is over.

The problems are:

  1. I lost my job in the tourism industry
  2. My savings are gone because I had to pay for my mother´s hospital bill
  3. I really like alcoholic drinks
  4. Most of my friends are unemployed too due to the current recession
smile purple hair woman san diego rehab

smile purple hair woman san diego alcohol rehab

Should I start a crowdfunding campaign?

I want to start practicing.

Drinking alcohol.   For the post-pandemic party.  But I am broke.

And all I can think of is how to get out of this quarantine apartment building and drink alcohol with my buddies.

The only kind of alcohol at home now is for sanitizing the kitchen and for the first-aid kit.

But I need help to get the other kind of alcohol.

For practicing.  And hoarding those bottles.  Looking forward to open them with my friends.  Music out loud.  And lots of sex

I need help…

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