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Beer is not that innocent.

Neither was Britney Spears at the Mickey Mouse show.

It all begins with just a few beers, right?  The Super Bowl game, the frat friends, a joint.

By the mid time show, it´s already been a six pack and two guacamole bowls with chips.

But now other friends brought a bottle of tequila, which I had never tried before.  My alcoholic habits had stick to wine with the family in new year´s eve and some beer by the beach.  I was only 19, and not supposed to be old enough for alcohol yet.

sleeping man at a table next to the beer cup brew craft problem with alcohol

sleeping man at a table next to the beer cup brew craft problem with alcohol

The tequila shots flooded my bloodstream.  We initially had 3 shots, but I loved the mix with beer and lemon soda, so I ended up drinking 9 shots by the end of the game.

When I woke up, I was laying on a campus bench, only surrounded by an empty cans of booze.

Beer is not that innocent.

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